Talking to Parents Course | Silke Lessner

Talking to Parents

$22.49 every 2 months


$22.49 / 2 months

auto-renews after 2 months

Overall length:

3 hours and 1 minute

29 individual on-demand videos


Choose this class if you are looking for strategies, tips and little helpers to ensure the best cooperation with parents.

29 on-demand online videos not only introduce you to basic you to basic approaches when it comes to meeting parents but are also loaded with numerous strategies and detailed procedures to get the most out of your meeting with parents. Say good-bye to the feeling of only wasting your precious time caused by parents who just won’t listen, who just won’t cooperate in the best possible way or who even attack you.

Whenever meeting someone, you can’t avoid making a specific impression to others. So, let’s cover some basic material like authenticity, charisma or expressing your own professional opinion in a way that it leads to the consequences as intended by you. No meeting should take place without you being ready for it in advance. Ever wondered how to talk to stressed parents properly? Or how to protect yourself from work-overload or angry parents? When you sometimes think the meeting won’t end successfully because the conversation goes totally in the wrong direction and all your attempts of doing and saying the right things are useless, wait for all the helpful strategies right here in this class. A good conversation requires both sides to act professionally, by you learning about helpful personal skills and adjusting automatic, typical own behavior you are able to change behavior and reactions of parents in a way that leads to your desired outcome of helping the student – let this class show you how exactly you do that.

Leading a conversation can be done in various ways. Only one will do the right job, but many others are just causing additional troubles and won’t lead anywhere near your meeting goal. Did you know YOU as the professional part are the one leading it in a specific way without even being aware of it? In a first step, get to the bottom of those unconscious ways to lead a conversation. In a second step, since you being the professional here, help the parents to think and act right without them even noticing. Don’t give parents a chance of playing you that only creates a bad outcome, even if they are not aware of doing exactly that. Also learn about a very helpful concept that involves treating parents with the utmost respect even if you don’t agree with what they are doing or saying at all. This class empowers you to get your students the help and support they need – by involving the parents and get them on your team.

Throughout this course, you’ll have opportunities to ask any class-related questions in the member area. Interested in hearing more about our talking to parents online course? Contact us today!

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